IoTバイスとアプリケーション管理プラットフォームIoT Harborは、装置接続と管理、アプリケーション管理、FOTAアップグレード、ルールエンジン、データ可視化およびクラウド上昇などの機能を統合した一体化クラウドプラットフォームです。算法応用遠隔展開やクラウドエッジ協調サービスを提供します。
Supports most popular IoT & video protocols, such as HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, SNMP, LwM2M.
Visualize data with built-in widgets. Create rich dashboards for data visualization and remote control in real-time.
Supports edge-cloud synergy, such as deploying AI models to the edge for inference, whiles ending data back to the cloud.
High scalability and fault-tolerance with microservices architecture. Supports both cloud and on-premises deployment.
Support device certificate and data security to ensure that device data is not tampered.
Secondary development environment with friendly user interface, open API and SDK support.